I just wanted to say that there was an article or video, I didn't read or watch, that suggested snapshot testing is a good thing. I think it's a complete waste of time, and occupies time that could be otherwise being spent crafting good unit tests that test the application the way the user actually uses it or tests that you've adhered to your state management solution correctly. I actually don't see much value in end-to-end (E2E) testing either--they're also brittle tests much like snapshots that have to be frequently updated in significant, non-trivial ways. I think that good unit testing along with a quality QA team really works best for me. Perhaps others do get some benefit from snapshot, integration, or E2E testing, but I just can't justify the time or expense associated with their upkeep and up-front costs. I'd be very curious to hear about someone who has Cypress for instance working well for them, or someone who can show me how to get the headaches out of snapshot testing. I'm not judging others, but in my two decades of experience with testing, unit tests and good QA engineers can't be replaced.

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